In a little over a week school starts. I have gotten a lot done even though it wasn't as much as I would have liked. Because I could not start my cleaning in June due to work on the house, I had to cram it all in August. Moving furniture, window and wall washing, cobwebs off of ceiling...... 5 rooms done in 2 weeks and my body protested violently. Constantly aching all over and then the severe neuropathy started. Took a couple of days off and that went away but I still have the kitchen to do. Hopefully that won't be as much heavy lifting.
Band season started with 2 weeks of band camp. We just completed our first fundraiser and start another in 2 weeks. Plus we will have one from all of the schools and girl scouts and who knows what else. I am already dreading it!
On Wednesday we had a day long in-service. The new boss is bringing some interesting ideas to the table but he also made some upset by changing uniform regulations. I hope the year goes well but I do miss my old boss. We have a work day next Monday.
Tyler gets his braces put back on Monday. He has an underbite causing his teeth to chip.