Sunday, July 20, 2008

Over halfway through July already!

A recent family photo



A loacl day care recently visited dh's firehouse.  Here is dh with the lass in front of the engine. 



 Dh showing off his gear for the class.  He wanted to send pics for his fire company website but told me I didn't need to send them that one.  I told him, "Oh, I didn't take that for THEM anyway!"




 Nicole and I had gotten this funny idea for an advertisement but unfortunately this was the only picture we could get because Lexi and Tyler were laughing so hard.





Tyler was sad to discover that his stuffed chocolate lab, also named Coby, was accidently left at camp after discovering a hole in the one bag.  A friend from church brought him back this weekend.   Photobucket


And in more news..... I got the job I had interviewed for so now I will become an elite member of the working class..... or is that a member of an elite working class?    It wasn't the position I hoped for, but I got my foot in the door and it looks hopefull for further employment.  I am now a substitute for food service at our local school district.  I heard last year that the subs actually had work coming out of their ears so it would be nice to have 2-3 days a week at least to try and get ahead in finances.  I had wanted a job with the district to coincide with my kids' days off.

It's really weird because I got two letters from the district this week......each inspiring their own mix of emotions.  The first was for Lexi for kindergarten orientation.  That made me sad that my baby was going to last one.   The other was for Nicole for freshman orientation to high school..... that just made me feel old!

Anyway, this year will be a very different one, to say the least.  I guess I better just buckle up and enjoy the ride!

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