Monday, March 30, 2009

Oncologist tomorrow

I go back to my oncologist tomorrow for my chemo check-up. Please pray for wisdom for the doctor as we decide on what to do next. He seemed very positive about my prognosos of which I am grateful.
Please remember Beth as she returned to the hospital today for a week of chemo and then must travel to John Hopkins for a stem cell harvesting. Please also pray that their insurance does not hassel them about this. We hope to visit with Beth tomorrow after our appointment.
Please remember Shirley as she starts her chemo tomorrow for ovarian cancer. She will be an outpatient.
Please also remember Katelyn, 11, who has been having testing to see if her leukemia has returned.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Made a discovery

Synthetic wigs do not do well when working with hot ovens. I discovered this discovery when taking lunch out of the oven today. It melted my bangs a little.
Stiff and sore from yesterday. Need to slow it down a little.
We went to Tyler's first flag football game of the season today. I am including some photos below.

Next weekend we go two different directions as I will be at one end of town watching Lexi's socer game while Norm is at the other end watching Tyler's flag footballl game.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Busy day....

Today was busier than I anticipated. I made 3 batches of chocolate chip cookies, did 3-4 loads of laundry, cleaned the house, washed the dog, paid bills, made lasagna for supper, already gave Lexi a bath and need to get Tyler's bath in yet. To say I am tired would be an understatement.
Last night's visit went very well. The lady was very pleasant to talk to and we had a nice visit. I should try to remember to add her to my prayer request list. Her name is Shirley. Shirley's chemo starts on Tuesday as an outpatient.
Please also remembr Beth as she goes in for another week of chemo on Monday.
On Tuesday Norm and I go back to the oncologist for our first follow-up appointment. We are anxious to go and see what he has to say.
Tomorrow is Tyler's first flag football game for the season. I am hoping the weather is decent. Going to try and take pics.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

My bones are telling me it's gonna rain!

Been achy past few days and I think it's because of the rain in the forecast.

Tomorrow I am going to visit another lady with Ovarian cancer. Her prognosis isn't quite as good as mine and she is much older. I think she is having problems having a bright outlook on it. I don't know if she is a believer. Please pray that I would be able to minister to her and God would give me the right words to tell her and that she would be receptive. I am really nervous about the whole thing. I am not an outgoing person......I am an extreme introvert so this is totally out of my comfort zone.
Tonight Tyler is supposed to hve soccer practice..... personally hoping for enough rain to cancel it. Lexi and Ty both had practice on Tuesday and it was so cold it took me forever to get warm.
Lexi and Tyler were singing song from Nicole's musical this morning. Nicole started to giggle, "I guess I was singing too much if my sister and brother got my songs memorized."
Next Tuesday I go to my Oncologist for a check-up and to decide on what comes next. I don't think he quite knows what he's going to do.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Happy Spring!

The first photo is Norm and I tonight at the fire company banquet.

The second photo is Nicole in her Spinster Costume from the musical "Lucky Stiff". Norm got her flowers. (Norm and I went to see it Friday night)

Been busy the past few days switching winter clothes for summer clothes. I'm not quite finished but have most of it done.
Tomorrow the whole family will go see "Lucky Stiff." It will be a matinee performance and the last one. Then soccer season takes over.
One note: In redoing my blog I lost some of your addy's to your blogs so can you please add your link and post me a message if you are not listed in my friend's links. Thanks!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Checking in......

Hi! As you can see, I am redecorating. I am not finished yet. I need to add more and fix some things since I chose to switch to a 3 column blog, things don't fit like they did. The music is at the bottom for now, also waiting to be fixed up nice.
I've been doing pretty good as far as reovery. I was sick with another stomach bug yesterday but seem to be over that for now. I am working on going through clothing switching winter for summer. I already did Norm and Ty's. Need to work on Lexis and my own yet. Nicole is slowly working on hers.
Nicole is in a musical this week and Ty and Lexi are starting soccer so it will be a busy time but hopefully I can start putting more photos up.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Back Home Again

We came home on Friday. The above signs and flowers were waiting for me. God had blessed us that the chemo wasn't as bad as the second time. Of course, my friend, Beth, who we tease that she prayed that I would go a week later so that we could get chemo together, keeps teasing us back by taking the credit telling everyone that because of her I had an extra week to prepare for the chemo so it went better. We had a lot of company this time and we spent time visiting with Beth. It got to the point when someone came in to ask which room one of us were in, they automatically got told the other room as well because the nurses knew we were friends. Norm and I also played games..... it got rather intense at times to the amusement of the doctor and my male nurse. The one time when we went out the door, we knocked down the coded numbers on the door and I asked him which one mine was supposed to be (1-4?) He told me I was a "4" because I was such a problem child. I managed to get Norm good the one time as well. He had gotten my things out for a shower and was sitting on the recliner relaxing when I stuck my bald head out the bathroom door and said, "Hey, what about my hairbrush?" Being the ever attentive husband, he immediately jumps up out of the chair to get the brush. Took about five to ten seconds to realize I was pulling his leg. I think hearing me laugh so hard was his first tip-off. He said, "This story is going to appear somewhere, isn't it?"

Please keep my freind, Beth, in prayer. She was to come home today but was having some issues with her chemo so we are not sure if she will or not. She has a long hard road ahead of her.

It seems like there are so many from our church who are getting hit with cancer or disease. Right now it is aproximately a half dozen or more with the possibility of another returning for which we have been praying for. I told Norm it's like the devil cannot stand it that our church is growing so much and will do anything to stop the growth and bring us down. But God has it all under control or He would not have prepared the way. It can be hard to be joyful in what was accomplished in my life when so many more are suffereing and have so much to go through but it's like Norm pointed out last night that I can't minister to others if I let myself get down. I am trusting Him to continue to get us through this.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Halfway through

I borrowed Beth's laptop so I was able to get on the net. Chemo is going pretty good this time. So far have been able to ward off the nausea with meds. Beth seems to be doing well also. We both have been getting a lot of company.
Please pray for Katelyn, age 11. She had leukemia a little ways back and now something is coming up where they don't know if it has returned or if she has a viral infection.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Last round

We head in early tomorrow morning for what I hope is my very last round EVER! I doubt I will get online while in there so I will see you Friday or Saturday or maybe even Sunday. Also please remember my friend, Beth, who is in there now and will probably be there till the weekend.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

How You Live

Turn Up The Music (How You Live)

By Point Of Grace

Wake up to the sunlight with your windows open
Don't hold in your anger or leave things unspoken
Wear your red dress use your good dishes
Make a big mess and make lots of wishes
Have what you want, but want what you have
And don't spend you life looking back

Turn up the music Turn it up Loud
Take a few chances Let it all out
Because you won't regret it
Looking back from where you have been
Because it's not who you knew and it's not what you did
It's how you Live

So go to the ballgames and go to the ballet
And go see your folks more than just on the holidays
Kiss all your children Dance with your wife
Tell your husband you love him every night
Don't run from the truth cause you can't get away
Oh no
Just face it and you'll be ok

Turn up the music
Turn it up Loud
Take a few chances Let it all out
Because you won't regret it
Looking back from where you have been
Because it's not who you knew and it's not what you did
It's how you Live

Where ever you are and wherever you've been
Now is a time to begin
So give to the needy and Pray for the grieving
Even when you don't think that you can
Cause all that you do is bound to come back to you
So think of your fellow man
And make peace with God and Make peace with yourself
Oh yeah
Cause in the end there's nobody else

Turn up the music Turn it up Loud
Take a few chances Let it all out
Because you won't regret it
Looking back from where you have been
Because it's not who you knew and it's not what you did
It's how you Live

Because it's not who you knew and it's not what you did
It's how you Live

This was on a CD recently given to me as a gift. It brought tears to my eyes. To me personally it says that I an't just give up and let this cancer take over. I have to live my life to the fullest with purpose and meaning. I have to make sure I am following God's purpose. What is important is not popularity, fame or money. It's how I've lived my life....for Him. I can'tjust wait for the next test to see whether or not I hve cancer yet. I need to get out to my kids ballgames and plays and not sit in a corner worrying. God doesn't want me to do that. He wants me to let Hm worry about cast my cares on Him. I will probably keep this song handy to play whenever I start to worry about the cancer because with it reocurring in friends that probably won't be far from my mind. I hope you enjoy it. Please keep me in your prayers that I stay healthy as I hope to complete my chemo starting Tuesday.

Friday, March 6, 2009


My counts were back to where they should be so that makes me happy. Now I just got to stay healthy till next Tuesday. I'm still not 100% yet but hopefully getting there!

We recently had to break the sad news to our dog, Coby. His girlfriend, Marley, yellow lab, had to move away. Now he just sits at the corner and stares over at her house hoping she will come out and play. They loved playing together!

For never was a story of more woe
Than this of Juliet and her Romeo.

I recently found him sleeping in his crate wrapped in a blanket.
Why do men do that?

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Getting better

I am slowly getting over my virus...... it was a stomach virus. I now only have occasional twinges of pain compared to the extremely sharp pain Monday night and I still feel really tired. I am hoping to try and get a nap later if I can. The nurse is coming Friday to take my blood and I will hopefully know late Friday afternoon if I am still on for Tuesday. I so want to finish. I want the pic line out. I want to get walking and build my strength back up. I want to get back to work. I want to see my daughter in the musical "Lucky Stiff" to which Tyler and I have the one song memorized because Nicole sang it so often. I want to work outside in my flower beds. I know though that I will have to be patient and wait on His timing. A friend will be in the hospital next week getting her chemo as well so maybe we can be neighbors. Maybe she and I can take turns annoying he nurses not that I would do that..... so once again we are listening to our "While I'm Waiting" song. Prayer for good blood counts appreciated! And that I don't get sick again!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Extremely Disappointed

Going to make this quick as my daughter may need the computer soon. My chemo was pushed off another week as I have discovered this afternoon I am sick. I thought at first I could not get warm because the day was so cold but discovered a fever. Norm and I are very disappointed as we had hoped to get through this. In fact he had jokingly made a comment as we had left the oncologist's office this morning in all the snow that he felt God taught us enough. As soon as I found out the chemo was off I told him I guess God wasn't done teaching us after all.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Mexican Geese

Today, while at lunch at a McDonald's at a nearby town, I ran into my mom's old neighbors. We caught up for awhile. I couldn't believe it when she told me her daughter had three children of her own already. Last I seen her, she only had one. After that we went to visit Norm's dad in the hospital. On the way home Lexi and Tyler got into yet another trivial argument, so, after spotting a Canadian goose, I announced, "Let's see who is the first to spot a Mexican Goose!" Lexi and Tyler immediately start looking and Norm says to me, "So, Hon, what does a Mexican Goose look like?" I answered, "It's a di-version, hon!" Photobucket He kept insisting so I told him the Mexican Goose has a big stripe down it's back. Finally Tyler realizes he's been duped, "Mom, there are no geese in Mexico!" Photobucket Yep, but it got you talking about something else for five full minutes! Photobucket
I went to church today, but was really tired afterward. It was nice to be able to go tho. I robably won't get back for a few weeks again.
Please keep us in prayer tomorrow. They are calling for bad weather and we need to go to my oncologist in the city, take the dog to the kennel, I have a thing with the kids at school early in the AM and we need to get the kids luggage over to my parents who will be caring for them while I'm in the hospital.