Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Springtime activities

Lexi's soccer game on Sunday



Tyler's class was talking about Dinosaur Rock in school so we took him and Lexi up to see it. Dinosaur Rock is an area rock formation that resembles a dinosaur.












It's been really hard lately to enjoy my remission when so many are suffering. This week I have had one friend find out she has no more choices for cancer treatment and just wants to have as peaceful passing as possible. I have had another friend who confided today about a mass they found inside her. Last week another friend found out she has breast cancer. You just wonder why. There has just been so many friends lately who have been stricken and you wonder why. You wonder if this is how Job felt. I put this on my Facebook tonight: Personal message to the Father of Lies: We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


This little guy was feeding at my bird feeding station the other day.


School pictures



Tyler's soccer game today
Backing up teammate

Fighting for the ball


Over lunch we visited a local nursing home for Community Days.
Lexi enjoyed climbing on the fire engine.


I went back to work. It's tiring but also nice to be back and be busy.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Happenings

Our Easter morning started out with the kids each hunting for their own clues to find their baskets. Tyler was out bright and early!

I decided to get smart and incorporate his one clue with feeding the dog.

Lexi gettng a clue from Norm

Ty and his basket

Lexi, finding a clue in the shed
Lexi and her basket

Teenager FINALLY gets out of bed. I had scrambled her clues so Tyler is helping Nicole unscramble it.

"It's cold on my feet! I can't find it! It's too cold!"
"Put on your shoes and coat!"

Nicole, with her basket

At our church Easter service held at te local middle school auditorium
Nicole, doing flags


Lexi,in Kids Choir, bottom row, last on right, pink dress


After church we went to Norm's parents for lunch and another hunt.


Baby Mason



On the way home we spotted a bunch of deer. We counted 16-18.....hard to count because they kept moving.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Maundy Thursday

Tonight Norm was helping at the middle school to set up for our church's Easter service and they were getting later so Ryan decided to order supper. Norm called me to please bring him his med he needs to eat with supper so, being the "compliant" wife that I am (Norm, please stop fake choking) I put the pill inside a snack baggie and head for the school We got out of the van and went to cross the traffic circle when here comes this cop and he stops at the entrance to the traffic circle and studies me hard. That was when it hit me. I am a school employee entering a school building.....holding a baggie with drugs in it! Then he pulled into the traffic circle and parked it. Man, did I enter that school and unloaded that med quickly!
I was hoping to go get the kids some shoes tomorrow but a lady with Ovarian cancer I've been checking up on asked me to come and vacuum her house and clean out her refrigerator in the morning. Hopefully I can get the shopping done later.
Like I said earlier our church is holding Easter service in the middle school to hopefully interest the public. Then we go to in laws for lunch ad will probably be there over supper as well. Have a great Easter!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

10 Fun Things To Do When Cancer Makes You Bald

1) Stick your head out the bathroom door and ask your spouse to get you your hairbrush or even a comb so you can get your part straight
2) Go outside on a sunny day and see if the reflection of the sun on your head will start a fire.
3) Get finger paint but instead of using your fingers, use your head.
4) Tell people your mother was abducted by aliens and you're the result
5) Go to the store and buy one dozen bottles of moisturizing shampoo.
6) Paint a beard on your chin and go up to someone on the street and ask, "Deal or No Deal?!"
7) Tell the store clerk in your local paint store you'd like to paint your trim in the bathroom the same shade as your head and ask him if he can help you match it.
8) Paint white dots on your head, walk into McDonalds and, at the top of your lungs, sing, "Two all beef patties, lettuce, sauce, melted cheese......"
9) Next time the carnival comes to town, ask for your own booth and charge $25 for people to rub your head and make a wish.
10) Paint a face on the back of your head to prove to your kids that you really do have eyes on the back of your head.
I had pulled the first part of the first one on Norm in the hospital and the seond part I attempted to pull tonight. It inspired me to think of this list. Gotta keep up your humor. I lost my hair....does that mean I have to lose my sanity too? LOL

Friday, April 3, 2009

Windy night.....

We had some rain today. The creek is almost over its bank but not quite. Tomorrow Tyler has his first soccer game and Lexi's is on Sunday.

I've been struggling to figure out where I go from here. What does God want me to do next? I called the Shirley that also has Ovarian Cancer and there seems to be somewhat of a need there but, because of certain circumstances, it is really hard to deturmine the exact need.

I am anxious to return to work next Monday but I know I can't push it. They will work with me on that for which I am grateful for.

I am hoping to take at least Lexi to an Easter Egg hunt tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Happy April Fools!

I started my day with an April Fools prank on Facebook.....however my sister called me around lunch time disappointed because I did not call her with my annual April Fools prank. I guess I'm slipping......
We were at the oncologist yesterday. I am not to go back till August. He didn't really do much although I'm not sure what he could have done at this point. Anyway, he cleared me to return to work next Monday and so I will for three hours.
We visited with our friend, Beth in the hospital. The staff couldn't figure out why I would return willingly.
Our friends' daughter, Katelyn, was cleared over the possibility of her leukemia returning of which we are all grateful.
Tonight is Family Night at church clubs. I am hoping Lexi does not have a fever or otherwise I'm not sure what I will do. She's been having a head cold the past week.