Saturday, August 28, 2010

Back to school!

Next Monday our school starts again which means I go back to work.  It's been a short summer and I didn't get everything accomplished that I would have liked to but I got a lot of it done.  Monday is also Lexi's 8th birthday.  

This morning I had a Ovarian Cancer Awareness Table at a church clothing giveaway.  I was a little disappointed more women did not stop but I can understand why.  It's something they think they will never have to think about because it won't happen to them.  Two years ago I would have thought the same thing.  So, how do we get women interested.? I was hoping to put the symptoms in large letters all over a board would catch their attention but it didn't.  How do we spread the word to a public who thinks it won't happen to them?  I had thought about shoving symptom cards in woman's hands but I don't like to be pushy.  If anyone has any ideas, let me know! 

1 comment:

WhiteStone said...

Very nice display, Denise! The poster does a good job of making the symptoms visible to even the most casual observer. If I had been even casually aware, I might have been more pro-active in my own diagnosis. So you never know...this display may have been seen by just such a person as I and will be helpful to them sometime down the road.
Bless you for caring about other women!