Saturday, August 30, 2008

End of August

August 25, 2008
First Day of School!

Tyler needed an About Me paper done for school and wanted a photo of himself

August 29
Football Game and band's first public performance

It was really raining at some points so we looked like drowned rats!

August 30

Today Lexi turns SIX!

I will have more photos later. She has friends coming tonight and we want to take a picnic tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Great pictures!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Happy birthday to pretty Lexi! Six years old and still loving those polly pockets. I remember those! Lexi is so darn cute Denise. I love her smiles. You and Nicole look so pretty in that drowned rats pic. You look really young my dear! Wishing Lexi an awesome Kinder year as well as your other kiddos! Many blessings to Lexi for her birthday!