Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Random Stuff

Playing with Coby


A Local church had their VBS and on the last night they had a magician and a local children's musican.





On Saturday I went to download my photos to the computer and it wouldn't start! I ran it to our local pastor who replaced a part and got it running again! Yay! I think though Norm went into more withdraw than I did! LOL.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow, nice slide show on the side Denise!! do you mind if i copy you and make one for my blog (one day soon)...hehe..i like it!! your family pics are so nice. Haha, our dog Lucky likes to play that game too but he runs and we have to chase him. I only last about 5 minutes. haha. I like the activities your church does for the kids...Have a great week! I have a two week break from school...woo hoo!