Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Yesterday I made applesauce and digitally recorded every step for your enjoyment......
LOL! Okay, maybe it's not your cup of tea. I was in a mood, okay!

Today I canned peaches.


Anonymous said...

I am so totally impressed, I can't even convey to you how impressed I am! Wow, I have never see that at all ever. That strainer is bigger than Lexi! Anyway, I am so interested: Why do you boil the lids first? And what does the canner do - are you boiling the jars again w/apple sause inside? Anyway, what a wonderful treat you made for your family, esp during the winter time!! And I was just cracking up and cracking up reading this blog...I LOVED IT! You are so creative my dear and I totally had a kick with your shock of dishes and snoring on the couch. You're getting to be a great comedian....heee heee... thanks for the nice break from my hectic week! Hugs!

Anonymous said...

Hi again friend, I just noticed yor scrolling message...happy anniversary to you both wonderful people! Also, I hope Nicole's appt goes well. Let me know what the cardiologist does (in terms of testing) and what he/she says. I'm interested in cardiology. I wish Nicole the best. As well as your dear grandfather. And all the little kids you mention...you are such a sweetheart Denise...

Shelli said...

yummy! I love canning but haven't done it in years.

Congrats on the anniversary.

Anonymous said...

Have a hpappy week!!!

RazorFamilyFarms.com said...

Are these photo from my own kitchen???? Could it be???

Love that you are canning like a mad woman -- me too!
