Some photos from this Christmas season
It's strange as I go to write this the theme song from our year starts playing on the radio. "While I'm Waiting". That song has just meant so much for us over the past year as we battled the cancer. The song has been representative of what we walked through with God.
While in some ways it seems insureal, it's something I can't forget. And going through that pain has helped me to be empathetic towards others in pain as well. Last year at this time we were preparing to leave for a mini vacation before my chemo the following week. It was scary but precious time.
One of the things I regret is not taking more photos during that time. At the time I was embarressed to have anyone see me like that but now I wish I had a hard copy those memories of the hard times. What's funny is the little ways it has changed me. Like i said earler, I'm more empathetic to others' pain. I also more vocal in cancer awareness. I want to be more healthy so I am probably going a little overboard trying to lose weight. I do double the circuits required at Curves. I'm like a woman with a mission. The one instructor asked me today how many circuits I've been doing because she realized I was there for pretty long. I think I'm coming out of my shell a little more. Someone laughingly suggested I be a stand up comedian and I actually not necessarily wanted to be a stand up comic, I had considered a speaker with humor thrown in. To come up with jokes on the fly might be a stretch. I guess I've been praying for a way to use this all for good and I'm trying to figure out where it's taking me.
So as I end 2009 and begin 2010 I wish for you be proactive in your health! You are your best advocate. Look for ways for God to stretch you. Hug your children. Buy your spouse a special treat. Look for the silver lining. Live and let God!
Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy