Friday, January 16, 2009

They lasted till 2:00

Today my kids had off school. We took Nicole in the subfreezing weather to school to leave for her band trip. When I say subfreezing, I mean wind chills well below zero! Then we hurried home for breakfast, working the budget and then off to the dentist for Lexi and Tyler.
The hygentist was funny. He took them both at once. He did Lexi first and then Ty. While doing Tyler he called Lexi over to look. Then he held up the sprayer and proceeded to squirt Tyler in the mouth pulling away as he did so. Tyler almost choked from laughing. Later he did Ty's treatment and told him that because of the treatment, he didn't need to go to school for two days. It took Tyler a few seconds to get that he already had a few days off and the hygentist was joking.
Came home and had to get lunch before Norm went to work. Then the nurse came and was here awhile. She said everything looked good except my b/p which was a little low. She told me to call my dr. to check if I need b/p meds. Waiting on return call from that. I showed her the bruising, and she said that is pretty much normal.
The kids were getting along really well till about 2:00 when a fight erupted. Had them on t/o for awhile and told them if they fight more, they will go back.
Norm and I were talking the other day how "While I'm Waiting" seems to constantly come on when we are experiencing low points or stress. It's sort of became our song.
Somebody had brought a box of Clementines and I have been putting them down like anything. It's great because it helps with the fluid intake I need but I was wondering if I could get too much Vitamin C...... I am eating a lot of them! Right now they taste better than candy.


Anonymous said...

I don't think you can get too muh vitamin C, but the sugar content may make your blood sugar a little out of whack. And you may want to be careful with all the fibre .... if you know what I mean.

Anonymous said...

that home health nurse who saw you, thats exactly what I would like to do someday! Right now, I am in my community health rotation and so my focus is visiting mother/baby and those with communicable diseases. We do a lot of patient education and make sure they get the resources they need. I would like to home visit our elderly too. I'm glad you all have a good dentist. Good dentists around here are hard to come by. I am in the process of finding a new one. You actually can get too much Vitamin C. Normally, the body can excrete the excess via our kidneys but sometimes people take thos Vit C supplements and overdo it so they get Vit C toxicity- nausea, vomit, diarrhea, kidney stones. Clemetines however, I think you will be just fine to eat as many as you want..its hard to find food that taste good during chemo. Vit C is water soluble anyway so like I said, it comes out via kidney in urine. hee hee. In fact, I love those Clementines too and when we get a bunch that is consistently sweet, I love them! Sometimes I eat them with salt and vinegar. Yes, you hear it right! I like salt and vinegar w/clementines.