We had a bit of bad news. First off, Gavin lost his battle with cancer last night and went home to be with Jesus where he will be forever healed. Please remember his family through this.
Secondly, we learned yesterday that a friend from church had a reoccurance of her cancer and will have to get some radiation therapy. I will not mention a name yet as I don't know if all of her family knows.
I have been having issues with sleeping at night due to nausea. I think I saw every hour last night due to feeling sick or uncomfortable. It's been hard to keep a clear mind during the day with not sleeping. I noticed as it is that it's really hard to concentrate on conversations. I'm not sure if that is from the chemo drugs affecting me or if it's from sheer exhaustion. Norm took off today to care for me. I had decided to go to church on Sunday but later regretted doing so because I discovered that I got dizzy with all the standing while talking to people and it was hard to maintain a conversation. I am hoping as the chemo works its way from my system that I will be better to sleep at night and then possibly go to work even if it is light duty. I think sometimes I wish I had not gotten it because I hate having to take off so much or be under special conditions. I did not want to return to the work force like this. But it is what it is..... I know I need to trust God to work it all out.
Hi Denise, dropping by to see ow you are. Thats sweet that Norm stayed home to be with you. Just take is slow for now and dont think too much about all the things you need to do or want to go. Chemo is tough on the body. And before you know it, you will be out and about doing all the things you use to do. Sorry to hear about Gavin and your friend from church.... God bless ...
Keeping you in my prayers Denise. It must certainly be hard to be the patient when you are so used to looking after others.
I hope and pray that in a few months you can look back on all of this as just a bump in the road and that you are healthy and once again enjoying life and work and family.
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