We went to the pathologist today but didn't exactly get a positive report but not totally a negatve one either. It was hard to get past all the extremely long words he was throwing around but basically he told us they had found some other cells in my abdomen that should not be there. They are waiting for the result from the section he had sent to a collegue at Penn State Medical Center who he says knows more than he does about these rare types of tumors. They will deturmine the rating for it. If it is a "1", there will be no action taken, but if it is a "2" or "3" then I will be admited to the hospital for a couple of days of heavy chemo. He told me that will not be pleasant and will probably make me pretty sick. So now we have to wait two more weeks. Sigh....so we wait.....
Norm and I had been talking about faith recently. It's hard to just trust for a positive result. It reminded me of when Ricky Bolden spoke at or church last spring. He had a neat saying about faith but I couldn't remember what it was so I emailed our pastor to see if he remembred. Not only did he remember, but he had a plaque with it on....which he told us to come and get. I made up a simlar grahic with it on so you can see it. In faith, though, we have been discussing renewing our wedding vows. In fact, Norm even vowed that, if I fought this, he would go and learn ballroom dancing so I expect a bunch of my friends to hold him to that.
The dr. told me meanwhile that I really need to work on getting my strength back because I'm going to need it. Right now everything wipes me out. The incision went to 2 inches above my belly button so it's rather huge. Norm was upset because I appeared depressed after he(DR) told us we had to wait and it wasn't that great of news but, once I got home, had something to eat and a short nap, I felt much better.
Right now we have a reprieve with the kids' schedules. Tyler doesn't start basketball till right before Thanksgiving ... soccer is over for now. Band also just got over this past weekend so all Nicole has is play practice and all have church on their respective nights.
Well, Norm just asked me what chapter I'm on so I guess that is my cue. Thank you so much everyone for the encouraging words, hugs, meals, flowers, chocolate and cards.
You are so sweet! I'm wishing you a speedy recovery.
Denise, know that you are constantly in my thoughts and my prayers, if there is anything I can do from afar (really really afar) don't hesitate
Gosh two weeks. that is going to be tough for you and Norm to wait. I wish you both strength. I know you both have faith. I have faith too and I like your plaque. It is so true. The only thing we have sometimes to go by is Faith. We act like it is even though its not just hoping that it might be. It is so true! Thanks for sharing that. Well, I certainly can't wait until you post pictures of Norm taking ballroom dancing! Take care my dear, take it easy, and God Bless You...
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