Saturday, February 28, 2009

Can you hear this?

Train Horns Created by Train Horns

What is really weird is that I cannot hear high frquencies but I can hear hurts my ears! I am supposed to have nerve deafness but this I can hear. Nicole and Tyler can hear it too but Norm can't hear it at all so he's feeling a little old right now. LOL!
I remember when I was little and we would go to Sears and there was a similar noise. My one sister and I could hear it and woul be holding our ears in pain and my mom could never hear it and I guess thought we were making it up.
Tyler was pretending earlier to propose to Coby. He said Coby better say yes cause he paid a lot for he ring. I asked how much he paid and he said $100. I'm like "wow!" cause rings generally cost more than that and then he piped up and said, "It was plastic!" I just started laughing. "You paid $100 for a PLASTIC ring?! And you're proposing with a PLASTIC ring?!" That boy has got a lot to learn before he finds his girl!

Planning on enjoying the weeknd

I told Norm it seems like I missed most of winter this year because I've been mostly stuck inside. I am glad there wasn't much snow that needed to be shoveled. Till I get over this next chemo it will be almost spring. I will be going in on Tuesday to get started and hopefully come home Friday.
There hasn't been much interesting happening this week. Nicole has been practicing most days for the spring musical. I am hoping I am well enough to go see it in a few weeks. She also has been an assistant coach at the middle school with the Speedstacking Team. She only got home at 7 this morning from the Mini-thon the school had to benefit the 4 Diamonds fund which helps families of kids with cancer.
Last night and this morning Norm was going to a men's conference at church. I am hoping he enjoys himself since he hasn't much chance to do that since I got sick.
I hope to get to church tomorrow. I haven't been able to go the past few weeks and I may not get there over the next few weeks. Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Yay my counts are up!

I talked to the nurse from my oncologist. She was very happy to see my counts were up and quite surprised. She said it usually takes two weeks and sometimes a shot to get counts up. She askedwhat the world I did. I told her I was pushing the spinach and all the stuff they told me to and getting rest. Norm added that I was also getting a lot of prayer so this is a complete answer to prayer! A miracle, it sounds like if it doesn't usually happen so well. I'm not looking forward to returning next Tuesday but I am looking forward to getting it over with and getting on with my life. Then my next "worry" will be that it don't return but I am grateful I can cast my cares on Him because He cares for me. There are other cases at church of cancer either returning or someone getting it for the first time. God has placed the cancer support group in our church at just the right time and I want to praise those who listened to His call to start this. Norm and I have just been getting overwhelemed by gifts, cards and well wishes from so many people who care. You just don't realize how many people you touch until they start blessing you in so many ways. It just inspires you to pass it forward. We aren't always in a position to do that but have tried to do it where we could. Meanwhile I so want to get his over and get that pic line O-U-T! I asked my nurse today if the do that and she said, "Yes" and I told her if she has to do it, I don't want to know the details. I just want to know when it's done. Anyway, I just wanted to let everyone in on this praise!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Continued prayer appreciated

To left, Norm is having a "serious" conversation with Coby about needing to be in his crate while we are having an evening snack of ice cream. I don't think the dog is taking him too seriously.....
The kids had off school today for an inservice. They got along pretty well although when I returned from picking something up from church I had to have a conversation with Tyler about wasting my TracFone minutes by calling me just to tattle.
Tomorrow my nurse comes to change my dressing and take blood. Please pray that my counts will be back up! I want to get this chemo over with!
Also, my father-in-law's diagnosis is a little more complicated then we thought. For one we found out that the CAT scan showed something going on with his stomach. They were getting a specialist to look at that. He also has several bulging disks. I don't see how my mil could take care of him when he comes home. He is a big man and there is no way she could handle him plus she is still working fulltime. Anyway, prayer for all of that would be appreciated.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Update on father in law

Norm called in to the hospital this morning and discovered his dad has gall stones. Continued prayer for Norm appreciated. He is feeling the pressure of caring for his sick wife and now his father on top of it.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Yet Another Thing

Today Norm had to accompany his mom to take his dad to the hospital. At first they thought he was dehydrated but now they feel it's more serious but aren't sure what it is. They ran cat scans and did other tests. We are hoping to find out tomorrow what is wrong with him. Norm is really feeling overwhelmed. Tonight God made sure to play "While I'm Waiting" on the radio when we were both listening.
I am slowly getting stronger. I am hoping till Tuesday that my counts are back up so maybe I could go to church next Sudnay before the hospital again. I miss going. This week a member of the choir dropped by a CD of songs that various members contributed. Most of the songs are inspirational and a few....silly. I was really touched by the gift.
Please keep Beth in your prayers as she has had a port installed to start chemo for her cancer around her heart. (lymphoma)
Tyler went snowtubing today with his boys' club class. He seemed to really enjoy himself and I was glad he could go out and have some fun.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Going NUTS with boredom!

Just like my squirrel friends!

It tends to get really boring not being allowed to do anything. I do one or two things from a sitting position but one can do so much.

It's really windy and cold here today. The nurse called today and told me what all food I should be eating. Looks like it's dark green and orange fruit and veggies, skinless chicken or sea food (the latter of which I am not fond of) and beans and nuts, legumes. My mom offered to bring liver..... I gently turned that down........

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Quick note

My chemo got postponed due to my low blood counts. I will not be going in next Tuesday. Will try for the following week. Must concentrate on a certain diet and rest.

Some photos from Nicole's winter retreat, most pics from her friend, Amanda and one from Dustin.
Would like to go through some of Lexi's clothes today. Don't have a whole lot else planned. I am waiting to find ot what my counts are so I know whether I still am going to the hospital next week or not. Also, can't wait until my hair grows back because you get tired of trying to remember to put something on your head before you leave the house........ It's nice having stuff to wear but sometimes you just get tired of having to wear stuff.....and it's only been a few weeks!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Hopefully on the mend

My oncolgist sent me to our family doctor yesterday to just get checked out. The family doctor is having me get bloodwork done but I don't seem to be having any symptoms so far today except being a little tired. I will probably have the visiting nurse do the bloodwork later this morning.
Nicole came home from her retreat yesterday. If I get a chance I will come on later and add any phtos if there are any good ones to the bottom of this post.
Lately it seems like most of my Bible verses God directs me to are on hope and faith. Yesterday's verses are from Jeremiah 17:7-8
"But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit."
Please continue to keep Beth in prayer as she prepares for this upcoming hospital procedure.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Still recovering

Coby, at right, stares Tyler down...... or rather he stares Tyler's dinner down. "Look into my eyes! Your eyes are getting heavier. You will soon hand over your entire plate to the skinny chocolate Labrador retriever.......who needs the nutrition!"

Extremely tired/achy today. I didn't go to church for fear my counts may be down. As much as I miss the fellowship at church, I thought this would be better. I will probably call the oncologist tomorrow to let him know what's up, get any medical advise, if needed, and discuss my next CBC. It seems like I have to tell them to fax it to my nursing agency that comes out to visit. I am hoping my counts are back up next weekend!
Please keep my friend, Beth, in prayer, who is having a dangerous, difficult biopsy done on her recurrence of lymphoma on Friday. She is only a year older than I and we grew up "next door" to each other. Actually was was about a half block away but we did know each other as kids. Didn't play together a lot because we lived across a very busy street. What is interesting is that nearby was another lady, the one I spoke about from the bank, who also ended up getting ovarian cancer. My mother still wonders if the nuclear accident in '79 has something to do with me getting this. There is a fourth neighbor a block to the north of my mother also struggling with cancer.... and those are the ones we know about. there was a male neighbor as well. I think there was another lady but I'm not sure. Anyway, that is water over the bridge.....or under the bridge. Please pray for Beth. And keep her dh in prayer as this is also hard on those who have to watch their loved ones go through this. Norm can vouch for that!
We just keep getting blessed over and over and over. Every time we turn around someone is blessing us! It's awesome. It's overwhelming. It's touching! It's hard to express the number of emotions it brings out every time someone gives us a blessing. We stopped saying, "No, we don't need it" and have learned to just accept it because that is what God wants. That is the big humility thing he has been teaching us over these past four months. And there are "things" my kids probably would not need but I want them to have something good to look forward to. We'd be able to afford them if I was working and Norm was doing his second job. We are hoping once all this clears that we can pass it forward as well.
I decided to start updating my two writing blogs as well. The one is more of a devotional "Mom 4 God" at the right and "The Mom Corner" is basically about being a wife and mom.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Norm and I both had a mild flu/virus yesterday. Still recovering from it today. The steps seem to kill us going up. I'm hoping we feel better tomorrow.

I spent spent five minutes correcting all the errors from last post. They are more typing errors than spelling errors. I think faster than my fingers can work.......

Tyler, peeking at camera through chair

Norm and Ty watching a You-Tube

Norm showing same You-Tube to Lexi

Lexi smiles for camera

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Verse of encouragement

My verse I found today:
Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:11-12
My friend, JoDee, a fellow blogger and good friend for a long time from California is doing a Relay ForLife to fight cancer. You can click on her name for the link to her blog. She also has a Relay For Life webpage through the American cancer society where I would encourage you to visit and donate. She is doing it partially in my name. There is also an offline donation page where you can print off and send in if you do no want to use yor credit card through the internet. Any donations would be extremely appreciated!!!!

We got Coby his new license today. He watched me as I switched his old tag for a new one.




It is absolutely beautiful here today. If I were stronger I would walk but as for now I dare not risk overdoing. Norm and I ran some errands this morning after taking Nicole to school late. It seems like VIP kids were allowed to go late this morning. We called the school and asked. I don't know how much she enjoyed it. I made Cinderella collect the trash. LOL. I told her tonight she needs to pack for her trip on Friday..... or at least start. (winter retreat) Norm and I went out for lunch with a giftcard to a local eatery so I wouldn't have to cook.
Nicole came home from school yesterday with tales about some girls in her class that know very little about our counry. For one thng,they were convinced there was such a bird as a Cherokee and were looking all over the web to prove it. The teacher couldn't seem to explain to them that the site was about trees and not a bird. They also got many other "facts" wrong, so we decided to create our own website with all these facts for these girl's convenience. We don't plan to keep the site for more than a week or so because it's more of a joke. It is so hard to believe that high school students actually believe this stuff. Makes you wonder how the world they passed! The website i called Fishing Lore......notice the play on words!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more. Psalm 71:14
That verse just seemed to speak to me this morning.....about having hope. Sometimes when you are going through a tough time, it's hard to have hope. In fact sometimes I feel like Mulan when, in order to get over the mountain, they had to travel this treacherous pass full of murderers and physical hazards. Once they got through the pass the view of "the city" was simply beautiful but they had to travel the dangerous pass to get there.
My nurse came to change my dressing this morning and everything seemed fine which was a praise.

I've been feeling better today than yesterday and better yesterday than the day before. Once the full moon finally left me get to sleep last night, it was the best sleep I've had so over a week, probably.
Lexi wasn't sure if she felt better this morning. She had been sick over the weekend and I kept her home yesterday although it was mostly her laying and around and nothing happening. She claimed she didn't feel well this morning but I think it was because she had nothing to eat all weekend or yesterday....just a few crackers. Nicole wasn't feeling well either but she hated to miss her school stuff. I told her to to tell a teacher beforehand just getting sick. My social butterfly has too much stuff she didn't want to miss. I hope she is feeling okay. Tyler, who had been sick ast Wednesday, seemed to be recovered and back to his teasing self. Norm wasn't sure if he felt right but feels he had already missed enough of work.
I told Norm I am counting down the days when I can get my spring cleaning done cause the house needs it. Different cupboards need to be gone through and cleaned out. I am hoping to tackle that over Easter weekend. Norm has been doing a good job on general cleaning though.... and laundry.
My mil had her 70th birthday party on Sunday. I couldn't go but Norm took the kids. Nicole couldn't believe how many people Nanny knew. I just laughed at that. I told her with all the people Nanny knew since growing up, went to church with and works with, she is going to have a lot of friends. She brougt her cards last night and Lexi helped her open them. I kept track of who sent what for her. A lot of people donated Bibles in her honor which I thought was a really nice idea. She was glad to have it used that way. I forgot to send the camera along with Norm although, now that I think about it, I thought Nicole grabbed her camera so maybe I will have to check hers out.
This weekend Nicole goes on a winter retreat with her youth group. It sounds like fun. One year the youth group got snowed in there and got home a day or two late. It was a blizzard that year so there was a lot of snow.
Tyler also had snow tubing planned for the following weekend. I'm glad he can get it in before my next chemo. It looks like fun a well. He's going with his church club's class.
Lexi's bummed because she doesn't have any special snow thing planned. I wish I could say snow tubing when she is in fourth grade as well but that is mostly a boy's trip.(at our church for that age group anyway) Maybe we will get some snow yet so she can go sledding. We haven't had much yet.....knock on wood.....

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Some pics

The football/birthday cake Nicole made for Norm




Norm with three kids on his birthday


In a wig my aunt sent me
I do not know why the dog's eyes got so weird!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Quick update

I came home yesterday. It did not go as well as the first time. For one I had another reaction to the one med plus I am feeling a lot more nausea this time around. Hoping that improves over the weekend.
The dr said it would get worse each time so I am grateful there is only one more time.

Feeling tired so I will close for now.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Chemo tomorrow

Tonight was hard but could have been harder. First I had to let the dog at the kennel this morning. I felt bad for doing that to him but I figured at least he would get the attention he needs and a big yard to run in. I didn't want to have to pin that extra responsibility on my family. I just felt like a traitor walking out the door with him watching me and not understanding why we left him there.
Then this evening I had to let my kids at my mom's house. I felt bad leaving them but it's a relief knowing they will be cared for by someone they know well. I did not want to leave them with a different person every day. I went through that when I was a kid and my father was in the hospital from a bad accident that he still does not feel comfortable talking about and I remember how lonely, insecure and isolated I felt. I did not want that for my kids. I felt bad leaving them but I know they will be well cared for. I hope someday they understand how hard it was for me to leave them and that I am doing it so I can be around for them for many many more years.
I am taking my brother's computer back in. He gave me a crash course on it so I will try it again and see if I can get into the system. If I can I will be updating here but, if not, then i guess ya won't see me till Saturday or Sunday.
First though my oncologist asked me to come into his office before we head o the hospital. I still don't think I understand why but it doesn't sound like it will last really long. It just means extra traveling in possibly bad weather so please keep us in your prayers!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Norm!

Align Left

Norm turns the big 4-0 today! For his birthday he wanted to watch a football game so I arranged for the Super Bowl to be on for him today................
Seriously, I asked a guy at the firehouse to post Norm's birthday on the sign out front and I had a card shower for him. He got 54 cards so far!
The kids were up playing and we heard shrieking. They come flying down the stairs, "WE SAW A MOUSE!" Well, they were worried and we mentioned how mice liked messy rooms. Suddenly Nicole was dragging out the vacuum and they were all cleaning their rooms like there was no tomorrow. I told Norm, "Hey, here's an idea! Let's see a mouse up here every week!"
And speaking of my gentleman! We were walking along the street to go and get a pic of Norm next to the sign above. We came to a street with a large puddle of water.
"You know, "I said to Norm, "A real gentleman would take off his coat and lay it down on the puddle for his lady to walk over."
My gentleman had a better idea. He took me up the street where the puddle had considerably narrowed and I could easily step over the water. My hero!
Tomorrow we need to finish packing my and the kids' stuff and get the dog to the kennel. Tyler also has basketball play-offs and Nicole has activities as well. I will probably be ready for the rest in the hospital on Tuesday when my next round of chemo starts.