Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Verse of encouragement

My verse I found today:
Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:11-12
My friend, JoDee, a fellow blogger and good friend for a long time from California is doing a Relay ForLife to fight cancer. You can click on her name for the link to her blog. She also has a Relay For Life webpage through the American cancer society where I would encourage you to visit and donate. She is doing it partially in my name. There is also an offline donation page where you can print off and send in if you do no want to use yor credit card through the internet. Any donations would be extremely appreciated!!!!

We got Coby his new license today. He watched me as I switched his old tag for a new one.




It is absolutely beautiful here today. If I were stronger I would walk but as for now I dare not risk overdoing. Norm and I ran some errands this morning after taking Nicole to school late. It seems like VIP kids were allowed to go late this morning. We called the school and asked. I don't know how much she enjoyed it. I made Cinderella collect the trash. LOL. I told her tonight she needs to pack for her trip on Friday..... or at least start. (winter retreat) Norm and I went out for lunch with a giftcard to a local eatery so I wouldn't have to cook.
Nicole came home from school yesterday with tales about some girls in her class that know very little about our counry. For one thng,they were convinced there was such a bird as a Cherokee and were looking all over the web to prove it. The teacher couldn't seem to explain to them that the site was about trees and not a bird. They also got many other "facts" wrong, so we decided to create our own website with all these facts for these girl's convenience. We don't plan to keep the site for more than a week or so because it's more of a joke. It is so hard to believe that high school students actually believe this stuff. Makes you wonder how the world they passed! The website i called Fishing Lore......notice the play on words!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How sweet that your good friend is doing that! I walked this four years ago in honor of my mom and I raised $2400 from friends and family using my donations website. Last year we walked as a school "team" and raised $1500 from classmates and their friends/family! As you may or may not know, my mom died of metastatic breast cancer. It was a tough road for my mom and very emotional for me. My husband and I choose the American Cancer Society as our primary organization to donate to because its near and dear to my heart. I wish more people would donate to cancer research because I dont think enough funds are used to finding a cure. I'm glad you have a lot of support from your friends and family too. That so very important. As for your daughters website, that is really neat that you know how to make a website like that! I also like your wig! It looks really good! I hope you and your family have a Happy Valentines day tomorrow!