Sunday, February 8, 2009

Some pics

The football/birthday cake Nicole made for Norm




Norm with three kids on his birthday


In a wig my aunt sent me
I do not know why the dog's eyes got so weird!


Anonymous said...

Hi Denise! The 4th picture w/your hubby and the kids is a keeper! Very cute and nice with all their smiles! You look cute too my dear with your wigs & hat. You have such a baby face (compliment) and you look great! That cake looks so yummy! I love the kisses and crunch candy on the cake! Kids will be kids and I can see your little kids excited over dessert! My church has a prayer intention book. Today at the 8:15am mass, I put your name (I got your last name from your emails you sent me before) for prayers of healing. The book is brought to the church alter and Father prays over it. You and I believe in the power of prayer and so you have a california friend praying and wishing you the best and speedy healing! Thanks for sharing the pics and Happy belated birthday to your hubby!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures Denise ... you do look great, I know you probably don't feel that way.
The kids are too funny, fantastic pictures of them and of Norm.